Student Support Services » 504 Accommodation Plan

504 Accommodation Plan

Public Notification - Child Find

The Tantasqua Regional/Union 61 Public Schools are working to locate, identify and evaluate any child residing in a home, facility, or residence within its geographical boundaries, age three (3) through twenty-two (22) years, who may have a disability and be in need of Special Education or 504 Services. This includes children who are not in school; those who are in public, private or home school; those who are highly mobile such as migrant or homeless; and those who are advancing from grade to grade, who may need, but is not receiving Special Education or 504 services.

The Tantasqua Regional/Union 61 Public Schools will make sure any child enrolled in its district who qualifies for Special Education or 504 services, regardless of how severe the disability, is provided appropriate Special Education or 504 services at no cost to the parents of the child.

Parents, relatives, public and private agency employees, and concerned citizens are urged to help the Tantasqua Regional/Union 61 Public Schools find any child who may have a disability and need Special Education or 504 services.

The District needs to know the name and age, or date of birth of the child; the name, address, and phone number(s) of the parents or guardian; the possible disability; and other information to determine if Special Education or 504 services are needed.

Letters and phone calls are some of the ways the Tantasqua Regional/Union 61 Public School Districts collects the information needed. The information the school District collects will be used to contact he parents of the child and find out if the child needs to be evaluated or referred for Special Education or 504 services.

If you know of a child who lives within the Tantasqua Regional/Union 61 Public School Districts who may have a disability, and may need, but is not receiving Special Education or 504 services, please call, as indicated below, or send the information to:

Brimfield 504 Building Coordinator: Megan Metz, Team Chair, 413-245-7337

Brookfield 504 Building Coordinator : Michelle Ledoux, Team Chair, 508-867-8774

Holland 504 Building Coordinator: Christina Johnson, Team Chair, 413-245-9644

Sturbridge 504 Building Coordinator: Mary Jaeger, Team Chair, 508-347-7041

Wales 504 Building Coordinator: Jessica Daley, Team Chair, 413-245-7748

Tantasqua Jr. High 504 Building Coordinator:  508-347-7381

Tantasqua Sr High 504 Building Coordinator: Julie Donovan, Director of School Counseling, 774-241-0743

TRSD/Union 61:  Coleen DeBari  508-347-3077


  • Parent Information Special Education and 504

  • Parent's Rights
